ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) AMLS (Advanced Medical Life Support) – USÖ. ATLS vänder sig till läkare som handlägger akuta traumafall.
Utbildningens syfte är att öka kunskapen om akut omhändertagande under främst den första timmen efter inträffat trauma.
EVTM Symposium The EVTM round table symposium is inspired by the collaboration with many centers and its extensive array of experimental research and clinical knowledge in Endovascular and hybrid resuscitation including REBOA. We aim for good cooperation, open discussions and debate as well as high scientific data exchange. The EVTM round table symposium offers a new, modern, live platform and we hope that you will be a part of it.
EVTM workshop The EVTM Workshop in Örebro, Sweden, has been running for several years and is developing in othe§§r countries as well. The vascular team have performed more than 70 workshops on vascular/endovascular techniques and trauma. This workshop is based on a long experience of sharing and training. It is not a course but rather a workshop in order to allow both organizers and attendees to mutually exchange knowledge, experience and ideas to stimulate multidisciplinary discussions and further development.
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Senast uppdaterad: den 11 november 2021